SLN/CR works!
We take our product development and quality seriously at SLN/CR. Why we've invested in extensive performance testing and research pertaining to our technology. We have the data to prove that our product is effective in impeding nuisance sounds, and we stand by its quality and performance.

Research Papers presented to the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and Institute of Noise Control Engineers (INCE)
SLN/CR presented a groundbreaking paper titled "Advancements in Nano-Technology for Acoustic Management in Pickleball" during a Noise Technical Session at the 186th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Ottawa, Canada. Our presentation highlighted the latest innovations in sound mitigation technology, reinforcing our commitment to enhancing the acoustic experience in pickleball facilities.
SLN/CR is a member in good standing with INCE USA.
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Sound Transmission Loss tests performed by Pickleball Sound Mitigation, LLC.
As evidenced in the SLN/CR Test data Report, this barrier demonstrates remarkable effectiveness in sound insulation, showcasing significant decibel reduction across a broad frequency range (100 Hz to 8000 Hz). The Pickleball Sound Transmission Loss (PSTL) test and Frequency Response Sweep Test results underscore its exceptional ability to dampen and absorb sound.

Acoustic Impedance Tube Testing with nano-fibers
Acoustic impedance is the resistance to the propagation of ultrasound waves through tissues. It is the product of the density and speed of sound in the tissue. We tested our product in combination of acoustic foam product (which is industry standard for lower frequency sounds).
Research data indicates our product doubled sound absorbtion performance versus simple acoustic foam.
Free-field test to detect sound absorbtion at various ranges using multiple microphones
In September 2023 we performed a full scale field test at a 6 court facility in Kansas City. The goal of the study was to measure how our product absorbed sound at 5, 10, 20 and 200 foot ranges.

13X improvement in sound absorption vs. baseline.
50% reduction in perceived sound from the courts